
JCU Prizes Browse all prizes Engineers Australia C.N. Barton Prize

Engineers Australia - Queensland Award (C.N. Barton Prize)


History of the prize

This prize was founded in 1972 and is maintained with donations from the Northern Groups of the Queensland Division of Engineers, Australia. The prize is awarded to the student who, in the opinion of the Divisional Committee, has presented the best level 4 thesis seminar.


Engineers Australia

Prize Information

Awarded to the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) student who, in the opinion of the Head of the Engineering Discipline, has presented the best level 4 thesis seminar.

$400.00 to be distributed by the college.

2023 - William Belcher

2022 - Ethan Kane Waters

2021 - Chelsea Reanna Burgess

2020 - Joshua Adam Eaton

2019 - Tayla Chanel Corbett

2018 - Laurance Daniel Papale

2017 - Corey Liam Lammie