
Safe work and study at JCU

Under the Workplace Health and Safety Act 2011 (S29), JCU students have a duty to take reasonable care for his or her own health and safety, take reasonable care to ensure his or her acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons, and comply, so far as the person is reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction that is given by the person conducting the business or undertaking.

You can help prevent injuries to yourself and others by taking some simple precautions, such as making sure your own work area is tidy and without trip hazards, and learning how to set up your workstation and use your computer safely. You can also learn the basics of safe manual handling, practice defensive driving and observing campus speed limits, and manage your stress levels.

If you are involved in an incident or become aware of a hazard that could injury or illness to yourself or others, you must report it to one of the following people as soon as possible:

JCU uses Chemwatch, a management system accessed by staff and students to search for chemicals and obtain safety data sheets (SDS) which provide emergency information, storage, handling, spill and containment information, and firefighting requirements.

To minimise risk of injury, while on campus you should:

  • Wear footwear at all times
  • Take responsibility for your own actions and refrain from placing yourself or others at risk of injury or illness
  • Be alert for traffic and use designated road crossings (don't be distracted by your mobile phone, iPod, iPhone or other mobile device), and
  • Avoid isolated areas, use preferred pedestrian routes.

Avoid visiting the campus if you are sick. If you become unwell while at the University, try to use good cough etiquette, wash your hands frequently and seek medical attention.

If you have a medical condition or disability that could impact on your health or safety while at the University, please disclose this confidentially to relevant staff members. This will allow appropriate precautions to be taken to prevent an injury or illness. In some cases, specific first aid requirements  may need to be planned for.

Some areas of the University pose specific risks to health and safety, e.g. laboratories and workshops. Such areas are signposted and should not be entered unless you have been inducted to the area or are supervised by relevant staff.

Follow local safety rules, established safe work practices and reasonable directions given by supervisory staff. Ask questions if you’re not sure about the safety aspects of proposed activities.

Be prepared to act independently in an emergency, warn others who may be in danger and report emergencies to Security by calling ext. 15555 (or phoning 4781 5555). If a building alarm is sounding, leave via the closest safe exit.

If you feel stressed or just need some support, contact the or Counselling.