
Subject Site Setup for Data

Important subject site setup for the best learning data capture.

A screenshot of a subject site with the JCU Subject Template applied
A diagram of a subject site with the JCU Subject Template items. Click to enlarge.

Each section in the image above is numbered and explained in the list below:

  1. '' provides instructions on how to follow the JCU Subject Template.
  2. Maintain naming conventions and consistency, you will see instructions in the 'Subject Site Checklist' as noted in the first point. Pre Semester Discovery Reports search for clean terms – do not add _, “, :, ; or numbers to the item titles.
  3. Set up the overall grade - assessments must total 100 percent.
  4. All Collaborate sessions should be clearly named with the subject code.
  5. Publishing videos correctly in LearnJCU enables a full data discovery.
  6. Avoid creating redundant folders - activity data is only picked up at level 1 and 2

Available learning data and who sees it

Provided to:

  • All lecturers in a subject (as standard)
  • Staff who have been given access to the subject


  • Subject at a glance
  • Student at a glance
  • Activity and grade scatter plot
  • Activity matrix
  • Subject submission summary

Method of delivery:

  • Integrated and downloadable - data refreshed every 24 hours

Provided to:

  • All lecturers in a subject (as standard)
  • Staff who have been given access to the subject


  • Discussion analytics providing insights into student activity on discussion boards
  • Interaction and submission of assessment items

Method of delivery:

  • Embedded into Discussion and Grade Centre sections - data refreshed every 24 hours

Provided to:

  • All lecturers in a subject (as standard)


  • Discussion analysis provides a closer look at how your students participate in discussion boards. The metrics help determine the grade.

Method of delivery:

  • Online used on graded discussion boards.

Provided to:

  • All subject coordinators
  • Student support staff
    • College support
    • International support
    • IERC support
    • Diploma support


  • Customised over the semester to provide just-in-time data on student activity and engagement in a subject – see Section 2
  • Identifying students requiring support to engage

Method of delivery:

  • Via email in a PDF format, also available in Word and Excel formats

Provided to:

  • Student support staff


  • A number of detail reports available on all student and subject on all campuses
  • Security measure in place

Method of delivery:

  • Available online and downloadable – data refreshed every 24 hours.