
Resources, Downloads and Links

Below are links to documents, form, policy, legislation and national guidelines relating to animal ethics.

Please note the Research Application Form has changed, you now need to have all co-investigators sign the form.

AEC Policy and Procedure Documents

  • Opportunistic Sampling, Vouchering and Amendments to Projects in the Field Policy - Has been retracted and under review. This policy is no longer accepted by the AEC.

Turtle Health Research at JCU

Legislation and Regulatory Documents

  • (NT)
  • (WA)
  • (NSW)
  • (SA)
  • (TAS)

External Guidelines and References

    • A reference for acceptable and humane research methods such as blood and sample collection, administration of substances, anaesthesia, humane killing, project planning, environmental enrichment and other methods to ensure well-being and minimise pain and distress in animals.
    • Includes an update to Table H1 - Methods of humane killing an euthanasia in rats and mice
    • A reference guide for the use of some commonly encountered species of Australian native animals.
    • The standards of care to be met when using non-human primates in research or teaching.

Important Links

  • The site of the Queensland animal research and teaching regulator
  • Additional policy documents and guidelines for federally funded organisations
  • NSW Department of Primary Industries resource and reference website
  • Regulator for the scientific use of animals in the Territory
  • Regulator for the scientific use of animals in WA
  • A guide for methods to include the 3Rs in your research and teaching projects